USPS Liteblue ePayroll Login To Check USPS Earnings Statement At

USPS Liteblue ePayroll Login: The United States Postal Service (USPS) employees get a secure online service which is the LiteBlue ePayroll application. With the help of this online portal, the employees get access to the details related to their occupation such as their bi-weekly earnings statements. The employees can easily view these details online and can also print them through this portal which is accessible on a 24/7 basis.

The employees are eligible to access their recent earnings statements or payslips through this online portal. With the help of this portal, the employees can also build up their previous statements’ history.

Also, LiteBlue ePayroll users can get access to all their statements within the past 40 payment cycles. In addition to that, you can also adjust these whether you are receiving paper statements in the mail, providing a great environmental-friendly online platform. In this article, we are going to cover important details about USPS Liteblue ePayroll, so read the following information till the end.

USPS LiteBlue Payroll Login Process: Step-by-Step Process

In order to get access to USPS LiteBlue Payroll, the employees must have to go through the login process which we are going to discuss down below. Here are some simple instructions following which you can easily get access to your online USPS LiteBlue Payroll Login account.

  • Step 1: In the first step, you have to go to the LiteBlue account to get access to the ePayroll service. For this, you need to head to the official ePayroll portal, which can be accessed through their official site that is
  • Step 2: On the login page, you will be asked to provide a few details and those will be your Employee Identification Number and your password. The Employee Identification Number is an eight-digit number and it is also printed on your earnings statements. Other than this number, you will also have to provide your USPS self-service password, which can also be used for LiteBlue, PostalEASE, and some other USPS services.
  • Step 3: After you have provided your both credentials correctly, please click on the ‘Log On’ button to proceed. Make sure that the information that you have entered should be correct for a successful login.
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Note: While entering your login credentials, make sure to type them carefully in order to avoid any USPS Liteblue Payroll login issues. Also, make sure that your Employee ID and self-service password must be all numbers and there should not be any space between them as these are case sensitive. Therefore, you must re-check the details to make sure that the Caps Lock and Num Lock functions in your keyboard are set to ‘OFF.’

  • Step 4: If in case you have forgotten your password, or you simply want to set a new one for your account, then you can easily do that by clicking on this link:

How to Check Your USPS Earnings Statement?

As soon as you have gained access to your USPS LiteBlue ePayroll service account, you will get a list of earnings statements from your working time at the USPS. In addition to that, you will also see the last 40 pay statements that are sent to you, which also include your 40 payment cycles. Every single statement is organized and arranged as per the applicable pay date.

  1. If you want to check your individual statements, then you should have to do some steps starting with clicking on the pay date for that statement. Once you will do that, the pay statement page will open in a new browser window. The earnings statement also consists of a button located on the top as ‘Print This Page’ and this is going to offer you the ability to print your statement as well.
  2. In addition to that, you can also make adjustments from the main list of your existing earnings statements. It doesn’t matter if you have received a paper copy of your statements in the mail or not.
  3. Also, your current setting is also going to be displayed just above the main table. There, you will see a button ‘Change’ just click on the button in order to go paperless or vice versa.
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How to View your USPS Liteblue Payslip Statements?

In addition to that, if you simply want to check or view your payslip statement, all you need to do is to click on the “Pay Date” Link. After that, a new browser window will open where you can see the USPS paystub for the selected “Pay Date.”

What are Additional Pay And Deductions?

Once you reach your earnings statement, you will find a section labeled as ‘Additional Pay / Other Compensation’ on the right-hand side of the page. This is going to detail any of your premium pay, allowances as well as some other compensation that can be found within your pay cycle. Such as the locality pay and equipment maintenance allowance will also be reflected on your screen.

After that, you can also find a section underneath your earnings statement labeled ‘Additional Pay.’ You will then also see another section named ‘Deductions’. This is going to framework any money that has been taken from your final pay throughout that pay cycle. Such as social security, health care payments, taxes, and more.

Both of your additional pay as well as deductions are then going to be broken down into two. These are the individual additions as well as deductions that have been made. On the other hand, ‘Total Additional Pay’ and ‘Total Deductions’ figures are also offered for the pay period as well.

Final Words

The USPS Liteblue ePayroll is an online service that is designed for employees that are working in the USPS. It is specially made for them in order to manage their finances that are related to their employer. This online portal also gives the employees to have access to a number of different functions, that allows employees to check the amount they are being paid, all the benefits they enjoy, as well as their deductions. The USPS Liteblue ePayroll also shows pay adjustments, net, and gross pay, along with additional information that is related to their earnings, and also lets the employees get a print of their bi-weekly earnings statements if required.